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No New Posts *Database

Located on the Database is some interesting information such as the laws, face claims, taken names, and animal claims. Enjoy your stay...

Sub-boards: *Important, *Classifieds, *Plot

4 5 Face Claims
by **Rosebud
Aug 4, 2010 22:46:40 GMT -5
No New Posts *Friends in the Making

Okay, so maybe you might no affiliate or advertise here to make friends, but be a kind sport and leave out rude or hateful comments please. If you choose not to, your post will be deleted.

Guest Friendly

Sub-boards: *Cousins, *The Chosen Ones, *Red-Headed Step Child

by Panth
May 27, 2011 0:28:25 GMT -5
No New Posts *Announcments

Check around here to find the latest on Breaking Point, Staff may post only.

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No New Posts *Personnel Only

Only Breaking Point Staff Allowed In.

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No New Posts *Input

input the data for your character here and make it neat and easy to read, all accepted characters will be placed in the Saved Memory board, all unaccepted characters will be untouched and the creater will be messaged.

1 1 Input Form -must use-
by milo
Jun 5, 2010 23:57:44 GMT -5
No New Posts *Saved Memory

All accepted characters have been placed here, once they have been placed here, they are locked, staff will update age from year to year. If you need to modify it, message staff with the updated material

12 12 Domino Gabri
by **Rosebud
Aug 11, 2010 18:29:46 GMT -5
No New Posts *Journals

Create a place to write down your characters thoughts in this board. Every moment your character experiances can be written here, day to day or month to month. One per character please.

2 2 Layout Code
by Wolf_Legend
Nov 29, 2010 15:58:42 GMT -5

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts *Ironclad

If you were to walk out onto the southern most docks. You might see a gloomy looking ship, much larger then a small family boat, but smaller then a cruise ship. The ships nickname the ironclad came from the ships build, on all sides iron sheets line the exterior. The ship barely floats, but a few brave shifters can swim out to where it's anchored and find a fun day alone on a ship, ahh the possibilities are endless, just watch the sharks.

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No New Posts *Utopia

A rather small hole in the wall kind of place. Only few shifters know of the place, who could come looking for it in a dumpster? which one, I cannot tell you, but the utopia is a haven for troubled shape shifters looking to illegally drink liquor and other alcoholic beverages not able to be served to teens under 21 years of age, but this place finds a way to avoid the popo. Perhaps it's the entrance, or the massive shape shifting pitt bull strays surrounding the dumpster?

3 42 The Death of It All
by Wolf_Legend
Nov 2, 2010 20:36:57 GMT -5
No New Posts *Lake Median

Formally called, Lake Medi, the arrogant waters of lake median is the territory border line for both Shifters and Humans. The crescent shaped lake has quite a few islands floating on the surface of the water, it lies on a tectonic plate, earthquakes are prone to happen here due to the movement of the plate, a small inactive volcano has been seen over the years, but no longer last as any threat to nature after the lava disappeared 5 years before.

1 10 Time Out!
by Wolf_Legend
Oct 16, 2010 9:48:53 GMT -5
No New Posts *Warehouse

Long isle-like building, the entrance is locked with chains and an electric fence is placed around the perimeter, a small hole or two has been dug underneath, and a large gap in the back of the warehouse is perfect to climb through when you enter the large 'isle'. The place lies unprotected and a perfect area to hide from the war outside of the walls, 'a heaven in hell' is what most have been known to call it.

2 127 Double Take
by Wolf_Legend
Aug 8, 2010 16:24:17 GMT -5

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No New Posts *Downtown Islia

Although old and drug infested. The downtown living spaces of Islia are quite nice, the very heart of the city lives here. A large brick building covered in graffiti houses the oldest member of the city. The one person the town still worships, a shape shifter? Although no one knows it, the old war hero is actually the most despised race, a secret well kept as most shape shifters call it. The city has more secrets, secrets as old as the hills. Some quite simple, while others dangerous. The heart of the state and the hated king, are loved in this mysterious place. Who said something so old, couldn't still thrive on it's own mysteries?

1 26 ...Never...
by Wolf_Legend
Oct 3, 2010 17:13:50 GMT -5
No New Posts *Islia Park

A random park in the middle of the busy city, large oak trees grow their roots here and various animals graze on the rich grass. The fourteen acre park provides cover for the more unique shape shifters, but also provides a nice place to relax for the humans. Green grass and open blue skies make for a nice change of scenery. Deer, foxes, and other wildlife here are all trapped. With no way out of the park without finding bumper to bumper traffic animals live and die here, without another way of escape. Picnics around the parks tank, man made lake, is worth the struggling life of the animals.

3 47 Maybe Suicide IS A Good Choice?
by Wolf_Legend
Oct 11, 2010 16:48:56 GMT -5
No New Posts *Diablo's Ledge

Named from the treacherous cliffs, Diablo’s ledge, or devil ledge, has a bad past. In the early 19th century a brawl between shifters and humans went about. Shifters were murdered by rifle and their bodies were sent over the edge, but when the men went home that night, their wives and children lay dead in their beds. Only weeks after the attack on both sides, the human men were murdered in their beds, but when the crime scene was investigated, no evidence was found, only the knife used to kill the men. The cliffs are feared as being haunted by the shifters ghost and the men’s ghost, every fall on the same day the battle was fought thunder breaks on the cliffs and gun shots are heard miles 'round. The blackened cliffs are nothing but doom for whomever comes walking on the soil.

1 1 The Ghost of you ((open))
by frost
Aug 7, 2010 2:04:59 GMT -5

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No New Posts *The Pit

The pit is just another nickname for a dog fighting ring. The large indoor facility has pens in the back to store dogs before and after the fight, a large furnace to burn dead/dieing animals and a large fenced dirt pit, surrounding which is table, booths, and a bar where moon shine is in the plenty. Outside is a clean scene of flowers, ponds, and woodlands. The building use to be an old lumber mill that was leased by a certain someone who uses it for bottle making in the ground level and upper levels are used to produce moonshine, and the underground level has the dog fighting ring.

2 66 100$ On The Blue (language)
by Wolf_Legend
Aug 6, 2010 18:08:23 GMT -5
No New Posts *Molina Rojo

A simple western buffet restaurant. Nothing special hides out here, shape shifters are absolutely forbidden here though due to the war and all. The small red building on the corner of a busy street provides for a good place to talk about the war since the owners are also anti-shape shifter, and will discuss any thing about the pest. Ideally the owner likes to keep his two large German Shepards’ here to ward off any unwanted visitors, but sometimes the dogs do not come and shifters are able to sneak in and eavesdrop.

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No New Posts *Fort Tempri

A top secret military base, located in the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, the fort is filled with the best in military commanders skilled in the take down and capture of shape shifters. Tanks, Helicopters, Missiles, and other high powered weaponry is stored here for later use. The DNA of shape shifters is stored in computers, a hair sample is taken at every entrance and exit of the facility, if the DNA of a shifter is found the culprit is immediately shot dead, beware. High fences, topped with razor wire surround the area and cannonry borders the fort one all four sides.

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No New Posts *House of Pain

A true house of pain, but unlike a house, it's an old western plantation. Even more so, rather then lined with cattle and crops, jailed shifters walk the perimeters of barbed wire fences and high game fencing. Men on horseback, with high powered rifles stand guard, and men in military transportation ride with special agents trained to deal with outburst from the prisoners. Many do not live, but there’s a way out for many who are smart enough to find it, or willed enough.

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